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Monday, December 16, 2013

Healthy Holiday Dinners Can Still Be Delicious

With the holiday season upon us, big meals are bound to happen, but they don't have to be the overly fatty. Check out the links below for amazing meal options for the main dish as well as easy and delicious sides that will help. I would also like to challenge you to try two things. When you are making your dinners, if you are preparing anything from a box or a bag, take a few minutes to read over the ingredients list. The more things you see on that list that you have trouble pronouncing the more likely that item is not good for your body. So the second challenge is try to recreate that item from scratch. If you are scared of your skills in the kitchen, start small with an easy side of rice and then work your way up to casseroles and above.

As always, you can connect with me through any of the options listed on the right side of the blog under the "social profiles" section, or by simply leaving a comment here below.

Best Green Bean Casserole

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin


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